A Quick Guide to Commercial Roofing Insulation Types

A Quick Guide to Commercial Roofing Insulation Types

Commercial roofing involves designing, constructing, and maintaining roofs of offices, factories, warehouses, and retail stores. Insulation is crucial for energy efficiency and temperature regulation, among other things. Insulating your roof saves money, reduces energy consumption, and extends its lifespan. Use this quick guide to explore three commercial roofing insulation types.

Polyisocyanurate Insulation

Polyisocyanurate (PIR) is a closed-cell foam insulation material. With high thermal resistance and excellent moisture resistance, PIR provides a thermal barrier between the building’s interior and the outdoors. One of the main benefits of PIR insulation is its durability and resistance to environmental damage, such as UV radiation, making it suitable for various climates. However, it can be more expensive than other insulation options, and its thermal performance may decrease over time.

PIR insulation is ideal for flat and low-slope roofs. Proper installation is crucial to avoid compromised thermal performance and moisture accumulation, so always hire a professional commercial roofing contractor to insulate your building’s roof.

Spray Polyurethane Foam

Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) is a closed-cell insulation applied directly to the roof deck. When the two liquid components (isocyanate and polyol resin) combine, they expand and harden, creating a seamless layer of insulation. It is suitable for new construction and refurbishment projects and can work with various roof types, making it a versatile insulation choice.

The primary benefits of SPF include a high R-value, quick application, and protection against air and water leaks by filling gaps. However, SPF is sensitive to UV radiation and requires a protective layer. Professional-level spray foam can be difficult to work with, so you’ll want to work with a commercial roofing contractor to avoid insulation performance issues.

Polystyrene Boards

Polystyrene boards are rigid foam insulation boards made from either expanded polystyrene (EPS) or extruded polystyrene (XPS). They offer great thermal performance, moisture resistance, and lightweight properties, making them popular for commercial roofing insulation.

EPS and XPS boards have slightly different characteristics: XPS generally offers a higher R-value and moisture resistance than EPS foam. The greatest drawback to polystyrene boards is their susceptibility to damage from UV radiation and mechanical stress.

These insulation boards are best for flat and low-slope roofs and green roofing systems since they don’t add much weight to the roofing system.

Use this quick guide to commercial roofing insulation types as a reference to understand which type is best for your building. By understanding each option, you can determine the best insulation for your commercial building. If you need assistance choosing roofing insulation for a future structure or are looking for a commercial roofing company for installation, contact Nasi Roofing today. We offer a wide range of roofing services, including insulation and replacement of commercial roofing.